The Future AgriWorkforce: Data, Strategies & Opportunities Webinar | Ontario East

The Future AgriWorkforce: Data, Strategies & Opportunities Webinar

Event Date: 
Thursday, December 12, 2019 to Saturday, May 4, 2024

10:00am to 11:30am

Join the Agriculture Economic Development and Planning COP to learn more about forecasted labour shortages and strategies to promote careers in the agri-food industry.

This free webinar will focus on ways to use the labour market information from CAHRC and resources from AgScape to address workforce challenges and opportunities in your communities.


The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC)

The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) is a national, non-profit organization focused on addressing human resource issues facing agricultural businesses across Canada. For over ten years, CAHRC has been working with industry associations, educators, and all levels of government to examine issues and build meaningful solutions.

AgriLMI – one of CAHRC’s five main areas of focus – explores the latest labour market supply and demand requirements for the agriculture sector. Through AgriLMI they examine commodity specific workforce shortages, growth patterns and needs. CAHRC will share some of their key findings.


AgScape is a charitable organization providing objective, fact-based and curriculum-linked resources to Ontario schools on agriculture, food production, environmental sustainability and related topics. AgScape was created in 1991 with the mission to empower Ontario students with impartial and accurate information to increase awareness of the agri-food system and ignite interest in related careers.

AgScape will share some of the resources and partnership opportunities to improve students' knowledge of how food is grown and the careers in the agri-food sector.

This webinar is aimed at economic development organizations and practitioners, and will focus on ways to use the LMI data and resources from AgScape to address workforce challenges and opportunities in your communities.

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