EOLC Release of RFP for AI-Powered Labour Market Tool | Ontario East

EOLC Release of RFP for AI-Powered Labour Market Tool

Submission Deadline: July 26, 2021 at 4:30pm

The Eastern Ontario Leadership Council is releasing a Request for Proposals for development of an initial version (MVP — minimum viable product) of an AI-powered Labour Market Intelligence (LMINT) Tool. The EOLC initiative places deliberate emphasis on “intelligence” rather than simply “information” to reflect the urgent need within the region --- and beyond --- for a tool that senior decision-makers and data analysts can use to bring out previously hidden insights, accelerate workflows, design targeted support programs, prioritize labour market investments, or develop fast-track education and training options across sectors or occupational groupings. Our scan of the market indicates that a tool with the required functionality does not exist in the current marketplace.



Article Type: 
Employment or RFP