Port Hope's blog | Ontario East

Port Hope's blog

Revitalizing Port Hope

Port Hope’s Downtown Revitalization Project is well underway since the launch on September 4th announcing Michel Bourque as Downtown Revitalization Coordinator.

A flurry of activity has generated a strong awareness and interest within the community.  The new website www.mydowntownporthope.com will provide ongoing news and information about the project and how the community can get involved.

Revitalizing Port Hope

The Municipality of Port Hope will launch a long-term, multi-faceted Downtown Revitalization Project aimed at strengthening the community's business core, re-energizing the Port Hope community and attracting the external audiences who may choose Port Hope as a destination for their home, business or vacation. The project is a central component part of a long-term vision for Port Hope say's Mayor Linda Thompson, "promotion of economic development and tourism is a key objective of our Corporate Strategic Plan.
